Thursday, November 29, 2007

When to Hospital

When to hospital
At Friday the morning. The telephone rang to me that “Hello O today you have free time” my sister said. I said “Of cause I have free time”. My sister said “her son had a fever and a wound was inflame at operate on stomach”. She lived at Krabi went to Bangkok by Plane, because her son was nephritis so he maintain at Chulalongkorn hospital. I went to Dongmueng Airport. No long time she arrived at airport and went to Chulalongkorn hospital as quick. When we arrived at Chulalongkorn hospital my sister took her son to hospital room. I to be in contact with an progress was very slowly. I do it 3 hour for admit her son. Then patient r one person room it full, So my sister and her son live at Patient room 2 person and permit one to look after a patient. Next day is Saturday at 9 o’clock I went to study until 11 o’clock I went to Chula hospital again for visit a grandchild. I lived at Chulalongkorn hospital about 5 hour, example I talked with my sister, sometimes I play with a grandchild. After that I went to Siam. I am shopping no long time. So I came back to ABAC condo by Sky train at Siam to victory monument. When I walked flyover, I saw an old woman. She was pitiful and use old blouse and trousers. She sold garland, so I bought a garland every time when I pass her. During I walked flyover at ground had many a vendor’s stand. Suddenly a customer to curse with a tradeswoman. I don’t know what happen. When police coming and prohibit them but a tradeswoman turn to curse a police, so a police looked them to curse. They were curse to long time. So I not wait them to curse finished. After that I wait bus at bus stop about 15 minute finally I arrived home

My Hobbies
My character was pleasure-loving. If I do something, that thing much to success. I like to play computer very much. Computer was a good thing because it can found everything . I like to chat msn with my friend and sometime I play game online a little for funny. Sometime I watching television on follow channel but not enough for me. If I have free time, sometimes I watched Korea series because Korea series had feel melancholy, funny, lovely and romantic more Thai series. Assemble with my friend, we have to mention and took about matter older, and future together. Almost about girl, diverse, fashion and general. Sometimes a little of gossip someone. I like to listen music style was POP and emo. When I listen music feel relax and comfort. I like to swimming and fitness able healthy

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