Monday, February 4, 2008

Life in boarding school at Krabi

Life in boarding school

When I 12 years old. My parent sent me to boarding school at Kanjanapiseak wittayalai Krabi. My home lives at Phang-nga. This schools it near Phang-nga for boarder. This school was a government, about tuition fee inexpensive. This school had boarder male and female since mattayom 1-6.
Routine of boarder was got up at 5 o’clock in the morning everyday and to change clothes for joking around school. During boarder assemble, if who was slowly a person that in rump by a beating stick. After that I joking 5 round. At 6 o’clock after joking, boarder assemble at front and to warm up. After warm up finish, boarder was scatter for pick garbage around school. At 6.15 o’clock I went to male dormitory for took a bath and prepare to have breakfast. A distance was between dormitory to cafeteria about haft kilometer. At 8 o’clock student boarder and not boarder assemble at after a flag pole. I study since 8.30 o’clock in the morning until 4 o’clock in the evening. This school study room was not has air conditional because school not have a budget for study room. At 4 o’clock until 6 o’clock is a free time can do anything, most I talked with my friend, found something for eat, and sometime I usually slept in my bed. At 6 o’clock everybody must took a bath and prepare walked to dinner room. At 7 o’clock any boarder must stay at own dormitory. Each dormitory had 45 persons. After that we were held together for to clean his dormitory such as a sweep, rub a floor, and wipe a mirror and to clean toilet. Why boarder do itself, because student spend money inexpensive and school not have a budget for employ. At 8 o’clock at night everybody must stay at down floor at study room for read a book, do homework. At 9 o’clock at night, teacher disburse milk one bottom and to pray before go to bed. At 9.30 o’clock went to bed. Bedroom at here not have air conditioner too. But have an electric fan. A bed was two shelves. When teacher was turn off light student must be quiet. When teacher leave I usually talked with my friend but sometime teacher met, he hit me and my friend.
This school permit student came back home one time per month since Friday evening until Sunday evening. When came back or came school must to swear uniform was a royal pattern. So I don’t like because to be complicated and difficult in uniform. One thing before came back home was if who had sweets, candy something can eat we must to assemble at eat together.
I am a member of Thai musical. First time I play a basso xylophone but I don’t like, so I changed to play an alto - stringed fettle but I don’t like again. Finally I choose play a stringed musical instrument, I feel good and I like it. In mattayom 2, I had occasion to competition at the Prince of Songkhla University kind of stringed musical instruments. We got a silver medal prize. But during competition I feel very excited. I stay Thai musical band 3 years, I feel love and to be proud of everything in Thai musical band. Everybody in Thai musical band was stay as if brother or sister, I love them. But 3 years later I graduate mattayom 3 at this school and will go to another school. Last day at here I nearly to cry because best friend I not to met they long time. Finally I love Kanjanapiseak Wittayalai Krabi.

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