Tuesday, February 12, 2008

An inconvenient truth

An inconvenient truth

If you see a river is flow slowly and hears sound such as frog, tree, and cow. Mud is never to melt down and silent. A heart is twitch and say that “We were forgot these beautiful”. Before Christmas 1968 during APOLO 18 mission was live border, but we were doing shelf atmosphere full of pollutant. He name’s AL GORE, he is next president in America (it jokes). He lives in polities’ long time. August 29 2005 had Hurricane Katrina. Name of picture was earth write in to bring to reason mankind. 18 month later protect group moving. 11 December 1972 had last picture from APOLO, Galirao spaceship can take photo the world. Tom Manston use picture from a satellite 3000 picture within 3 years. The map every continent used to adjoin, but had a speech that “what gets us into trouble is not what we don’t know and it’s what we know for sure that just ain’t so”. It is a synthesis. But a thing true is atmosphere brittle. Everybody knows sunlight shine to the earth, most of this radiation is absorbed by the earth and warms it. Some energy is radiated back into space by the earth in the form of infrared waves. Some of this outgoing infrared radiation is frapped by the earth’s atmosphere and warms it. But soft atmosphere and accumulate that is global warming, but that is a old speech. But he takes that global warming from sunlight left-over. Professor Roger Revelle, he is first person present in gauge CO2 in atmosphere of the earth. Experiment in 1957, he was employ. Devis Drewlin man in proficient explore many a period often years. The two parties sent balloon check an atmosphere every day. They choose middle the Pacific Ocean. He says “looked amount land had minority the southern hemisphere and forest over the northern hemisphere too”. When were northern hemisphere tilled turn to the sun in spring and our summer? Left absorb CO2, lower CO2 in global atmosphere, but when northern hemisphere turn far away from the sun in autumn and winter, leaf will fall off and release CO2, So higher CO2 in global atmosphere one more time. 650000 years ago level CO2 never highs more 300 per 1 million portion. Moreover when had a lot of CO2, atmosphere will warming move, because it was detaining heat. The ten hottest years on record have occurred in the last 14 years and hot highest in 2005, we met heat wave like scientist said “it normal”. In 2003 is heat wave in Europe estimated dead 35000 person. People are not to pay attention to India in same year June 2003, temperature high to 50 degree more than 1400 death. Summer this year west in America had many country a temperature over 38 degree to each other. In eastern is much country like that. 2 years ago we met big hurricane such as September 2004 Florida-Hurricane Jeanne, Atlantic Ocean-Hurricane Frances, Florida-Hurricane luan and many hurricane. In America had many tornados was record. In Japan they met new record tornados before this they met 7 tornados but in 2004 they met 10 tornados. In Brazil March 2004, first-ever hurricane in the South Atlantic but in the past the book tells that “South Atlantic not has hurricane”. Heat matter in 2005, first July 2005 Caribbean-Hurricane Emily and Florida-Hurricane Dennis, it destroy world’s largest oil Plattorm-Gulf of Mexico broken. August 29, 2005 has Hurricane Katrina. In 1930 in England Sir Winton Churchill to forewarn people in England and he said “The Era of Procrastination, of Half-Measures,of Southing and Baffling Expedients, of Delays, is Coming to its Close, in its Place We are Entering a Period of Consequences ”. July 26, 2005 in Mumbai and India had 37 inches of rain in 24 hour, water levels reached seven feel, the most an Indian city has ever received in one day. The death toll in western India reached 1000. A temperature is the entire world around 58 F or 14 degree. If it adds 1 degree this mean the North Pole and the South Pole heat to 12 degree. Now extinct rite is high to 1000 time per natural extinct. Second The Antarctica has quantity ice extremely in the world. In 1978, his friend told that if Iceland left broken out that is to forewarn global warming. Larsen Ice Shelf big more Rose Ice land state. Ice land high 700 feet from ice to mountain distance around 20-25 mile they think it strong to 100 years, even if the world heat more but scientist to be started when see those picture in January 31 ,2002, 35 day later in March 5,2002 those ice to lose. They were came back find some mistake, and started to pay attention basin from ice melt. Before they are discover had problem when ice float on the sea start broken. Ice on the land flow to ocean, like sea level is unattested and land based melting cause sea level rise. This reason people side the Pacific Ocean must evacuate to New Zealand. If the ocean warm continue doing a sea –level all the world height so feel. They were check strong under ice land, it strong more other Ice land same size. If Green land melt level of sea height nearly so feel. New Green land change same ice in the Antarctica. Water punctual melt, Florida to be loss, San Francisco gulf have many people, Netherland were a low land will be catastrophe, Beijing area has people many 10 million persons, Shanghai bad more Beijing because has people 40 million persons, moreover Calcutta and India have people 60 million persons. Scientist com calculate water accurate , but Scientist cannot predict that how many water destroy dam in New York. Global warming in China was problem same America because they use old technology begin pollution from a coal mine. We are witnessing a collision between our civization , and the earth have 3 cause, first a population = old habits + old technology = Predictable Consequences and old habits + New technology = dramatically Altered Consequences. Number disagreeing with the global consensus greenhouse gas pollution had cause most of warming of the last 50 years 928 article tell human do global warming not have, a paragraph in note has goal for reposition Global warming as theory rather than fact this matter used to happen. Have they succeeded .Pre-reviewed scientific articles: 928 percentages in doubt as to cause: 0% an Article in the popular press: 636 Percentage in doubt as to cause: 53%. Scientist leaved work, joked, presented, to be unemployed because they discover and open truth is how hearted but they were insist disseminate. He used to work in Petroleum America. He get make from protect environment organization for warn population about global warming .He is undo note because he never practice science but he refuse opinion scientist. He said you not write like this because that is a expect. That is shameful matter. Next day he resign from the white house more than 100 years Upton Sinclair write that it is difficult to get a man to understanding it. Something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it. Second we must to choose between economy or environment it a important. Steohen Pacala and Robert Socolow tell that “Humanity already possesses the fun damental scientific, technical, and industrial snow-how to salve the carbon and climate problems. Every country is supporting Kyoto except America and Australia. We were deciding choose democracy system for reduce that problem .Must to have other view difference before. Remember the world rotate itself from take photo an outer space craft still explore universe when it far way 4 million mile .It can take photo the world another view. You see the blue point that is us. Everything used to happen of mankind in all one point, winner tragedy, wars and starve, progress time important, it is home us. This is this wager this time is ability, we live in the world will have civilization in the future. He believe that problem about moral we arrival time for stop these problem from protect the future. Descendants may ask you that “What parent think. Why not improve when an occasion has. We should hear question now.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Life in boarding school at Krabi

Life in boarding school

When I 12 years old. My parent sent me to boarding school at Kanjanapiseak wittayalai Krabi. My home lives at Phang-nga. This schools it near Phang-nga for boarder. This school was a government, about tuition fee inexpensive. This school had boarder male and female since mattayom 1-6.
Routine of boarder was got up at 5 o’clock in the morning everyday and to change clothes for joking around school. During boarder assemble, if who was slowly a person that in rump by a beating stick. After that I joking 5 round. At 6 o’clock after joking, boarder assemble at front and to warm up. After warm up finish, boarder was scatter for pick garbage around school. At 6.15 o’clock I went to male dormitory for took a bath and prepare to have breakfast. A distance was between dormitory to cafeteria about haft kilometer. At 8 o’clock student boarder and not boarder assemble at after a flag pole. I study since 8.30 o’clock in the morning until 4 o’clock in the evening. This school study room was not has air conditional because school not have a budget for study room. At 4 o’clock until 6 o’clock is a free time can do anything, most I talked with my friend, found something for eat, and sometime I usually slept in my bed. At 6 o’clock everybody must took a bath and prepare walked to dinner room. At 7 o’clock any boarder must stay at own dormitory. Each dormitory had 45 persons. After that we were held together for to clean his dormitory such as a sweep, rub a floor, and wipe a mirror and to clean toilet. Why boarder do itself, because student spend money inexpensive and school not have a budget for employ. At 8 o’clock at night everybody must stay at down floor at study room for read a book, do homework. At 9 o’clock at night, teacher disburse milk one bottom and to pray before go to bed. At 9.30 o’clock went to bed. Bedroom at here not have air conditioner too. But have an electric fan. A bed was two shelves. When teacher was turn off light student must be quiet. When teacher leave I usually talked with my friend but sometime teacher met, he hit me and my friend.
This school permit student came back home one time per month since Friday evening until Sunday evening. When came back or came school must to swear uniform was a royal pattern. So I don’t like because to be complicated and difficult in uniform. One thing before came back home was if who had sweets, candy something can eat we must to assemble at eat together.
I am a member of Thai musical. First time I play a basso xylophone but I don’t like, so I changed to play an alto - stringed fettle but I don’t like again. Finally I choose play a stringed musical instrument, I feel good and I like it. In mattayom 2, I had occasion to competition at the Prince of Songkhla University kind of stringed musical instruments. We got a silver medal prize. But during competition I feel very excited. I stay Thai musical band 3 years, I feel love and to be proud of everything in Thai musical band. Everybody in Thai musical band was stay as if brother or sister, I love them. But 3 years later I graduate mattayom 3 at this school and will go to another school. Last day at here I nearly to cry because best friend I not to met they long time. Finally I love Kanjanapiseak Wittayalai Krabi.